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Star Wars Vintage Kolekce Akční Figure 2021 Death Star Droid 10 cm

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Star Wars Vintage Kolekce Akční Figure 2021 Death Star Droid 10 cm Hasbro
Přidat do oblíbených
Cena s DPH: 476 Kč
DPH:21 %
Toto zboží je ihned k odeslání
Téma: Star Wars
Typ produktu: Action figures

The gleaming silver Death Star Droid was captured by the Jawas and transported across the Tatooine desert in the dungeon of a sandcrawler.
Celebrate the legacy of Star Wars, the action-and-adventure-packed space saga from a galaxy far, far away, with premium 3.75-inch-scale figures and vehicles from Star Wars The Vintage Collection. Figures feature premium detail and design across product and packaging inspired by the original line, as well as the movie-inspired collector grade deco that fans have come to know and love.
The Death Star Droid figure is inspired by the original 96 action figures produced by Kenner in the '70s and '80s, features premium design across multiple points of articulation, and is presented on an individual Vintage Collection cardback for the first time!

Potřebujete poradit ? Star Wars Vintage Kolekce Akční Figure 2021 Death Star Droid 10 cm Hasbro

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