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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Soška 1/6 Mother Aughra 22 cm

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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Soška 1/6 Mother Aughra 22 cm Weta Collectibles
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Výrobce:Weta Collectibles
Cena s DPH: 6 430 Kč
DPH:21 %
Téma: Dark Crystal, The
Typ produktu: Statues
Aughra has spent years looking to the skies. She took her eye off of Thra with the understanding that the Skeksis would maintain her world just the way she left it. But when the Skeksis began corrupting the Crystal even more by draining Gelfling, Aughra feels the brunt of that corruption physically. She is Thra. So when Thra starts to die, so does Aughra.

Tapping back into the world by relearning the Song of Thra, Aughra attempts to save the Gelfling and guides the main heroes on their paths.

Dimensions: 16 x 22 x 15 cm

Potřebujete poradit ? The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Soška 1/6 Mother Aughra 22 cm Weta Collectibles

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