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Star Trek Official Starships Kolekce Magazine with Model #37 Andorian Cruiser

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Star Trek Official Starships Kolekce Magazine with Model #37 Andorian Cruiser Eaglemoss Publications Ltd.
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Výrobce:Eaglemoss Publications Ltd.
Cena s DPH: 751 Kč
DPH:21 %
Téma: Star Trek
Typ produktu: Vehicles
This incredible new collection of Star Trek models includes all of the most significant ships from the five Star Trek TV series. Every ship has been painstakingly recreated in die-cast and high-quality ABS materials, then hand-painted with an incredible level of detail. The collection features a full range of Federation and alien vessels, including seven incarnations of the Enterprise, all of the major Klingon vessels including the Bird of Prey, and the Dominion, Borg, and Romulan ships.

Potřebujete poradit ? Star Trek Official Starships Kolekce Magazine with Model #37 Andorian Cruiser Eaglemoss Publications Ltd.

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